Devs, Learn Vim Motions

Alex Chau,ProductivityProgrammingVimNeoVim

Vim is magic.

Around 9 months ago, I stumbled upon a video by ThePrimeagen that changed everything:

Being an Arch Linux (btw) user, I was familiar with Vim, but mostly for simple config changes. I used VSCode for "serious work" (bad React apps). After that video, I promptly switched to NeoVim and embraced Vim motions.

Fastforward to now, I still use NeoVim. It's one of my best decisions I've made and has significantly improved my skills as a developer.

What are Vim Motions?

Let's clarify: this post focuses on Vim motion's benefits, not just Vim, the text editor.

Vim motions are powerful text-editing shortcuts. While synonymous with Vim, they're available through extensions in IDEs like VSCode, and even Chrome (opens in a new tab).

Why Use Vim Motions?

As seen in the video, Vim motions are:

Vim motions enable blazingly fast text traversal and evoke Hollywood-style hacker vibes by eliminating mouse use.

Programming involves a lot of coding, reading, and editing. You're going to be spending a lot of time doing these things as a developer, so it makes sense to invest the time learning and getting really good with your tools.

Getting Started

Vim has a steep learning curve; early progress might be slow. Embrace it, master the basics, and soon you'll be flying.

Ready to begin?

Start with VimTutor:

Then run "vimtutor" in your terminal or command line and follow the instructions from there.

Additional learning resources:

Even if Vim isn't your go-to text editor, Vim motions can enhance modern IDEs via extensions. Start with your current editor and its Vim plugin. Once you're ready, give NeoVim a try and see if you like customising your own IDE.

Thanks for reading. May Vim transform your coding experience as it did mine.

:wq (opens in a new tab)

© By Alex Chau